The National Academy of Athletics aims to develop mutually benefiting relationships with community partners. Through these partnerships, cities, schools and leagues are able to offer youth sports programs while maintaining or reducing their expenses and balancing budgets.
We provide local expertise and resources through a single point of contact for City Officials, Schools and Leagues to administer top-quality youth sports programs.
We know demand for youth sports programs are increasing while City budgets and resources continue to decrease. We offer a solution.
• More than 12 million U.S. children are obese — one out of every six children.
• Obese children have an increased risk of developing a range of health problems, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are both risk factors for heart disease.
• Obesity can also cause sleep apnea, bone and joint problems, and chronic health conditions such as asthma and type 2 diabetes.
• Obese children are at increased risk of being bullied and suffering from depression, while a healthy diet and physical activity in childhood is associated with better mental health.
• More than 200,000 youth under the age of 20 have type 2 diabetes, and many more are at risk for developing diabetes.
• Obese children are also likely to grow up to be obese adults, at risk for all health problems associated with obesity.
When The NAofA community partners with Schools, City Rec Centers and Leagues, everybody wins!
• Children are being too pressured instead of encouraged.
• Children want to quit sports because their coaches push too hard and they are not having fun.
• Leagues need to be available to kids of all skill levels.
• Schools no longer can afford a full time PE teacher. To meet their PE criteria their English or Science teacher is forced to stand outside while kids just sit around.
• Recreation Centers have had their budgets cut and have had to reduce their staff and therefore their programs. Partnering with the NAofA allows these facilities to offer the youth in their communities more affordable and professional youth sports programs.
• To have a truly awesome experience for your child when joining a League, allow the NAofA to provide the preseason training for all that are involved. We train coaches, parent volunteers, referees and give the kids an orientation of what their season will hold. This gets everyone on the same page and ensures fun for for everyone.