The NAofA recreational youth sports camps and programs are designed to help kids of all abilities. The goal is to have tons of fun, learn sport-specific fundamentals, and gain confidence on and off the field. We teach children about success, failure, and what it means to be part of a team. Kids need role models more than critics, so our NAofA Certified Coaches & Instructors focus on fundamental skill development taught in a fun and positive environment.
The National Academy of Athletics is on a mission to bring our youth programs to kids throughout the nation. We teach sports fundamentals to promote positive physical and mental development. Our goal is to diminish childhood obesity by advocating for healthy lifestyles while providing tools to boost confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and personal growth.
Join us on our mission! Bring the National Academy of Athletics to your community! Own a NAofA Youth Sports Franchise!
The National Academy of Athletics provides recreational youth sports camps and physical education programs for kids throughout California and regions of Nevada, Texas, Michigan & Massachusetts. We are on a mission to bring our youth sports programs to children throughout the Nation! With a proven track record of providing safe, fun, and educational youth sports, the NAofA has become a preferred partner to City Recreation Centers, Schools, and Youth Sports Leagues.
Schools, leagues, and municipalities of all types partner with the NAofA to deliver exceptional youth athletic programming, catering to a wide range of age groups. Our comprehensive offerings include camps and clinics specially designed for children between the ages of 7 and 14, as well as Jr. Academy Programs tailored to the developmental needs of young athletes aged 4 to 6. We not only focus on enhancing their sports skills but also prioritize the cultivation of essential life skills that foster confidence, optimism, and personal growth. Find a youth sports camp near you!
“We don’t promise you the stars, we teach you the skills to shine on your own.”
-Coach Aaron Locks, Founder & CEO

“My kids are not real athletic, but they love these camps because the coaches always are friendly, engaging and make it fun. They not only enjoy themselves they learn how to be more successful on and off the field.”
“Aaron Locks and the National Academy of Athletics are committed to the development of both the athletic skills aspect of youth sports and the educational components. The educational components as they apply not only to the young participant but also to coaches, parents, and officials. Aaron, along with the men and women who work with him, understand that it is only when all involved in youth sports work together that the young participants get the most from the experience. My son and I had the privilege of working with Aaron Locks and we both grew from the experience, just as I’m sure you and your children will.”
“If you are thinking of putting your kids in camps, I think you need to look at the National Academy of Athletics. All 4 of my kids have been and no matter what sport, they absolutely love it!”